About The Artisans

The global artisan economy is worth $34 billion annually and is second in employment in the developing world after agriculture. Millions of people from developing countries, primarily women, participate in the artisan economy, using traditional crafts to earn and maintain their livelihoods.

Yet, the artisan sector is still "fragmented" and "under-resourced." Many artisans work in isolated areas, lacking the business skills, market access, or financial tools necessary to increase production and sales. Developing countries have an advantage because of their cultural traditions, unique artisanal crafts, and raw materials. Today, 65 percent of all handicraft exports worldwide are from developing countries.

HDN will shine a light on the artisan sector in Haiti and its Diaspora. 

Our model combines market opportunities with education and integrates artisans into global economies by bringing their products onto the international markets.

HDN’s training programs empower artisans to acquire the knowledge and skills to start their own businesses and create employment opportunities.

Since the beginning, we have committed to fair and transparent payments to our partners under Fair Trade Federation principles. We believe that fair play is the right thing to do and the wise thing to do. 

It is right because it recognizes each product's skill, time, and artistry and treats people with respect and dignity. 

Empowering artisans, especially women, is a powerful way of driving economic growth and sustainable development across the globe.

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